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The advanced CoolToning therapy uses cold temperatures to smooth the skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and improve the skin’s overall texture and appearance. Each treatment also helps to stimulate collagen production, which breaks down cellulite, leaving you with smooth, dimple-free skin.


The procedure for CoolToning targets the dermal layer of the skin – the middle part where all the important cells and proteins live; 80% of the dermis is made up of collagen and elastin fibres. Collagen and elastin act as the ‘scaffolding’ to the skin, keeping the dermis strong so that the epidermis (the part of the skin you see) lays flat on top. Unfortunately as we age, collagen and elastin depletes therefore the dermis loses its strength and structure, which is why we begin to see fine lines, wrinkles and sagging.  CoolToning is also a great treatment to reduce cellulite or target areas of loose skin following weight loss.

Shaved Legs

Smooth & Tight Skin

Switching massage between warm and cold temperatures promotes the blood vessels to alternate between constriction and dilation in the dermis. This improves the oxygenated blood flow (microcirculation), helping the blood vessels to deliver fresh nutritious blood to the other cells in the dermis; this in turn boosts collagen and elastin production, as well as improving the quality of these fibres. All of this results in making the skin appear smoother and tighter.

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